This is the Reason why People Don’t Trust Police Anymore! San Joaquin Valley Transparency 5:24 2 years ago 32 913 Далее Скачать
"You Don't Trust Cops?" Enforcers Fear For Safety While Extorting Money Questionable Authority 10:11 4 years ago 16 237 Далее Скачать
People In Waterloo Don't Trust Cops After Audio Exposed Cop Saying He Should've Shot a Blk Man! The Queen Ahmadiyyah Shakur TV Show 14:01 2 years ago 4 378 Далее Скачать
This is why people don’t trust cops anymore San Joaquin Valley Transparency 6:05 2 years ago 98 342 Далее Скачать
Cops Are Not your Friends Don't Trust them ( Norland Coboconk Watchdog) steve katsikaris 1:42 4 years ago 318 Далее Скачать